B11 is approved


MME published last night (05), the new report of engine tests with the B15. The report concludes that, with the new biodiesel specification, the ANP is authorized to increase the biodiesel blend in diesel.

             This was an important step that the productive sector has been struggling for months to achieve. The postponement of the auction late last night showed that the mills were close to their goal.

             With this authorization, the ANP approved this afternoon (06) the B11, which will be effective from September 1. With this, Brazil will increase from 10% to 11% the addition of BIodiesel to diesel oil. Gradually the country is incorporating a cleaner energy matrix. The ANP may change the announcement of the 68th Biodiesel Auction and include B11 as a purchase object. The estimated demand for BiodieselBR for the auction will increase from about 1,020 thousand m³ to 1,120 thousand m³.


Source: www.biodieselbr.com.br